Just got back from the Braves game. I’ve got pictures, but I’ll put them up in a future post. The Braves beat the Astros 7-1. There was a very light rain throughout the game — not even a drizzle. I brought a jacket, and I put it on around the sixth inning, but I’d guess the temperature never got out of the high sixties. About one minute after I got out of the parking lot, though, the rain let loose. For the rest of the ride home it alternated between pouring and sprinkling. At least it held out until after the game.
I can’t believe how many empty seats there were. There were a lot in the highest deck, but there were about ten seats around me that were empty. I took a picture of them.
There were two fights in seats behind me. The first involved an old lady. Some beer went flying. She got kicked out.
I looked around for a store that had AA batteries in stock (I hate my digital camera), and somebody yelled “Yankees suck!” I didn’t really notice, but then he said it again and pointed at me, and I noticed. He had a Red Sox hat. Then he pointed at his chest and said something about his shirt, which also said, “Yankees suck.” So I went up and talked to him. He was on his way moving and stopped in Atlanta for the Patriots game and was taking in a Braves game, too. Before I left he said, “Yankees suck” again and I countered with “Red Sox are down 2-0 — Gonna lose!” So I think I got him.
I got a free red fluffy tomahawk, which makes the ticket worth its price.
There was a guy with his like, eight year old kid behind me. He kept telling him to keep his glove on and “play the field.” He wouldn’t let him touch their red fluffy tomahawk unless the big screens said, “Chop Rally.” Or whatever it was the screens say when they want you to do the tomahawk chop. He asked the kid who Andy Pettitte plays for. The kid answered, “The Yankees.” Dad said, “No! … he hasn’t been there for two seasons … He’s on the Astros.” I think he was pissed. I think the kid wanted to leave after about two innings, because the dad was going on about how much he paid for the tickets.
I was in the second row, but still only about 4 feet away from the third base line Ball Boy. A couple balls came pretty close to me, but nothing was in my reach. And the Ball Boy kept giving balls to kids! Dammit!
Everybody around me spotted Roger Clemens throwing some balls in left field before the game started. The visitors’ bullpen is off left field at Turner Field, so he went in before the start of the game. We were all expecting him to walk by us in the middle of the first, but there must be a tunnel between the bullpen and the dugout, because he slipped by all of us.
Pics tomorrow. Probably.