I was thinking about HTML humor again, as I sometimes do. I came across a web site that had an intro page, and the first content page was in a directory called “HTML.” I of course found this to be ridiculous. Putting your site in a directory called “HTML” is like putting stuff in a box and then writing “BOX” on the lid. (It took me about two minutes to think of that analogy.) Anyway, humor. The needless directory got me thinking that putting a site like 10 levels deep in completely nonrelated directories would be funny. Not really worth a laugh, but funny.
In other news, I have a summer job lined up. It’s basically an internship, and it will only be three days a week, but it’s some money, and more importantly it’s something to put on my resume. Of course, now that I actually see a deadline looming for when I will no longer have unlimited free time, I’ve got an idea for a story that I can stretch into more than two pages, and drawings I’ve been working on for months are finally starting to show some promise.
What else? Last Friday Staples had 40 GB hard drives for 40 bucks. You’ve got to redeem a $40 rebate, but I always redeem my rebates. I didn’t need a new hard drive per se, but backing up to a second hard drive is a lot simpler than backing up to a second computer. I’m at a pace where I format about every 8 months, and I currently back everything up to my Compaq via ethernet cable. (Actually, for 5 of the last 8 months I was in VA with no access to my own system, so it’s been more like 3 months.) Now, with the second hard drive, I can just back everything up to it and format the C: drive whenever I want. Or I could even just store all my data to the second drive to begin with. A multitude of options. Of course, I suppose I could have just taken the Compaq’s drive out and thrown it into my current system, but that would leave the Compaq useless if I ever wanted to learn some new network protocol (I’m reading a Java book now). And besides … it was 40 bucks!