Okay, here’s a question aimed directly at Brian Lewis, Steve Smith, and Scott Morash. Is it appropriate to use vulgar words in the posts? Morash, of course, has the F-bomb in the title of his page, but he hasn’t updated it in like three years, so I don’t know if his vote counts. I don’t recall Lewis ever using curse words on his site, but he does have those pictures from New Year’s a few years back when people got naked. I don’t think Smiz has ever used curse words on his site, but he did recently feature Timco’s Mardi Gras pics.
So my friends’ sites have nudity, but no overt swearing. Is one more acceptable than the other? Or is it okay to cross the line, just not on the front page? I think I’ve sort of used that as the thumb rule. I posted some swearing back in the day with “Roommate Smack,” which I’ve been thinking about putting back up on my site. I’m a little leery about putting up swearing, but if it’s not on the front page, maybe it’s okay. I mean, these sites aren’t intended to be viewed by children, and they certainly aren’t intended to be viewed by anyone’s parents … Still, if you type “Dan Premo” into Google, you’re gonna find this page. So what kind of face should I present to the world? (***Update: typing “Dan Premo” into Google today gave me the raised by coyotes page on the RIT server. Same with Yahoo search. WTF?***)
On a different note, because of the whole spam thing I don’t put my current email address on any web sites. Putting a mailto: link on a web page is an invitation for spam. However, I recently read a suggestion to spell out addresses in a pseudo-phonetic manner, like “brian hyphen lewis at abc hyphen gay dot com.” A spider’s probably not gonna pick that up, but if someone actually reads the page, they could nab your address. What to do, what to do?