Well, I got laid off on Tuesday. January 6. It’s made it to the Internet at least twice. I worked at SpringWidgets, which was part of part of MySpace, or part of Fox Interactive Media. MySpace is part of FIM, but our place on the big corporate family tree varied at times. Our entire office of 13 people was shut down.
Additionally, sometime in the near future all of our servers are set to be shut down. So, the things I worked on over the last 22 months will either disappear completely or break. I suppose for my resume as much as anything else, I’ve decided to post some photos of my last big project at SpringWidgets: The SpringWidgets RSS Reader application is, at the time of this writing, still available on MySpace. Here are the screenshots I uploaded to Flickr.
[…] the same day Netvibes responded to my email, I was laid off from my job. After a few weeks of not writing any code, I got the itch, and decided to move forward with the […]