1&1 Has New Packages

I got an email from 1&1 today about new package offerings. What caught my eye is a package called “Beginner Linux,” which now offers 10 MySQL databases, up from 1. “Beginner Linux” appears to be 1&1’s most basic offering. What strikes me is the fact that 1&1’s most basic package includes MySQL databases. Any MySQL databases. The whole reason I switched my hosting from 1&1 to PowWeb was that in order to get MySQL databases, I had to up my 1&1 package from the $5 monthly option to the $10 monthly option. With PowWeb, I got it for $7 per month.

So I dug a little deeper on 1&1’s site. It appears that for $2.99 per month, I can get unlimited subdomains, 10 MySQL databases … did I mention it’s $2.99 per month? WTF? Thirty-six bucks a year? That’s ridiculous. That’s less than Xbox Live. That’s a lot less than what I pay for my cell phone.

So I emailed 1&1, and maybe I’ll change hosts this weekend.

1&1 Has New Packages