Windows 10 Creators Update Disabled My Touchscreen

Really strange.

I’ve had my Lenovo Yoga 11e for about eight months.  It’s not a powerhouse, but it’s a really great couch laptop.  And it has a touchscreen that can swivel all the way around to make it a bulky tablet.

When I got it everything worked, but there was some bloatware.  So I formatted the hard drive and did a clean Windows 10 install.  The touchscreen was not recognized by the OS.  After reading a lot of Lenovo forum posts, I found an Intel driver, installed it, and voilĂ .

Then Microsoft released the Windows 10 Creators Update.  I initiated the update rather than wait for it.  Booted up and … the touchscreen was not recognized by the OS.  I ran the Intel driver that worked before.  It had two choices:  remove or repair.  I chose repair.  It didn’t work.

I read some Lenovo forums — probably forums I already read eight months ago.  I tried one other driver but no improvement (Windows said I already had the latest driver).

I decided to try the driver installer that worked before, except I’d try the remove option and then run it again to install.  I did it, along with a reboot in between for good measure.

The touchscreen works!  Strange.  Maybe this is a fluke?

PS – I can’t find the driver anywhere online that I describe above.  I’ve had it in my Dropbox since I discovered that it fixed my problem, but what about other people who might need it?  The filename is and I’m considering posting it here.  But would I want to download my touchscreen driver from some random guy’s blog?

[Update 2018/02/07] I decided to create a download link for the driver. I did a few minutes of research to find a site to host it.

Windows 10 Creators Update Disabled My Touchscreen